Business Partner Membership

Business Partner membership in HFMADV is offered to those individuals who represent firms that provide products and/or services to healthcare facilities, i.e., professional engineers and consultants, contractors and architects, manufacturers representatives and distributors.  Business Partner Membership’s dues are $500 per year.

Your involvement as a Business Partner member provides your company opportunities to increase its visibility and profile among the health care facility infrastructures and environments decision-makers. Membership affords you the opportunity to strengthen and renew the many valuable relationships you have built with the industry’s association members and to meet others who have a significant impact on the purchase of equipment, products and services in our region, in a professional environment.  With today’s health care system in transition, facility managers are looking for opportunities to maintain and improve their professional knowledge and skills at all levels. Your membership is an exceptional marketing tool that will help keep your corporation’s name in the forefront of Healthcare Facility Management in the Delaware Valley throughout the year.

Educational & Networking Opportunities

HFMADV provides a number of opportunities for members to network and exchange ideas and keep abreast of operational disciplines and best practices through

Take advantage of being an Event Sponsor for conferences, seminars and social outings to keep your corporate name in the forefront of activities.

Business Partner  membership allows you to attend the association’s regular monthly meetings and have a full-page ad in our Membership and Ad Journal.

New Vendor or renewal application Form

Purchase your Business Partner membership online


Or you can mail your membership and dues to:

c/o: Professional Bookkeeping Systems, Inc.

518 Bustleton Pike, Ste. B

Feasterville, PA 19053